Connexus Safeguard


Connexus Safeguard is protection against accidental refreshes or moving to a different page while taking a test, quiz or reading through a lesson.

Whenever moving to a new page or changing lessons an alert will appear to confirm that you do indeed want to leave the page.


  • Stops accidental refreshes which may cause you to lose all of your work
  • Only will alert of leaving page while in a class
  • Works on lesson links as well


In order to install you will need to use some extension in order to run the userscript. I recommend TamperMonkey. An alertnative is GreaseMonkey but this is only for firefox. Tampermonkey works with Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera Next, and Firefox.

Once you got this extension installed you can download the script here:


To update just click the update scripts button on your extension.

To remove use your extension to delete or uninstall the script.

The repo for this is at

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